Before you can fly with us at Mile-Hi Skydiving there are a few basic requirements which must be met on safety grounds.
* This is due to the combined weight limits of the gear. We will take people over 225 pounds with the prior approval of the tandem instructors. Our instructors reserve the right to refuse to skydive with any student in the interest of safety.
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Nearly 18,000 feet above sea level! With our twin engine Turboprop aircraft we are able to jump from 2-1/2 miles above the earth or nearly 13,000 feet above the ground. That’s ½ mile higher than any mountain peak in Colorado. We will be in freefall for 1-1/2 miles or roughly 45 seconds and then deploy our parachute about a mile up. From there we will fly our parachute around for about 5 minutes until landing.
Your safety is our top priority. Skydiving is a high-speed extreme sport, and as with other adventures such as river rafting, skiing, or racing, there are always dangerous elements that must be respected. With the state-of-the-art training and equipment now available, skydiving has become a sport anyone can try, and can be a safe and sane adventure.
You can contact the office 7 days a week from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at (303) 702-9911 to make a reservation. During the busy season, we typically book 1-2 weeks in advance. A $50 per slot deposit is required at the time of booking to secure your slot.
Freefall feels more like floating or flying, than falling. The parachute ride is quiet and peaceful, with a spectacular view unlike anything you have ever seen.
You must be at least 18 years old and bring a valid photo ID. Parents cannot sign for minors under 18. At Mile-Hi, our oldest tandem passenger to date is 94 years young!
For a tandem jump, you must weigh 225 pounds or less, and for an AFF, you must weigh 250 pounds or less. Almost anyone can make a tandem skydive, even those with different disabilities.
As with any sport, the better shape you are in the easier it will be and the more fun you will have. However, one of the best features of the Tandem program is that is has opened the sport up to the mainstream public. Almost anyone can make a tandem skydive. We've taken people with many different disabilities, even those who are missing limbs or blind. We have experienced Tandem Masters to handle these situations. If you have a special requirement, please call us! We can make your dream of flight come true!
You can bring along friends who can spectate from designated areas. Spectators cannot accompany you in the plane.
Your harness snaps securely to the front of the instructor's harness at four points - two at the shoulders (5000-pound rating), and two at the hips (2500-pound rating). In freefall, the instructor is above you. Under canopy, he is behind you.
With an increasing popularity of tandem jumping by all ages and sizes of people, a new tandem passenger harness has been recently designed in the industry. It is completely adjustable, allowing for unsurpassed, individual fit and most importantly pivots your legs up in a sitting position to enhance safety on landing. Mile-Hi is the first and only school in Colorado that utilizes this new technology on all their tandem jumps!
The average freefall speed is 120-130 mph. In a student jump from over 2 miles up, this allows you to fall for about 45 seconds before you will reach deployment altitude. The skydiver's weight or body position can alter this speed. Once you are under an open parachute, your rate of descent decreases to about 10 miles per hour.
Although it is unlikely your main parachute will fail to open properly, it does sometimes occur, and this is a common question for first-time jumpers. According to federal law (FAA regulations), all intentional parachute jumps must be made with a single (or dual) harness, dual parachute system. In other words, you must have a second, or reserve parachute in case the first one fails to open properly.
On a Tandem skydive the instructor pulls an emergency handle which releases the faulty main and then activates the specially packed reserve, that opens in less than three seconds. Your tandem instructor is thoroughly trained to deal with unusual situations. As an AFF student with your own parachute equipment, you are trained on and are responsible to execute these emergency procedures yourself.
These reserve parachutes are only packed by FAA certified parachute riggers. They are inspected and re-packed every 180 days, whether they are used or not.
The parachute is specially designed for soft, comfortable openings. You will definitely know something is happening, but very few people have ever complained of any discomfort.
No! That's an illusion created when the cameraman keeps falling while filming a parachute opening.
Our tandem canopies are modern, extra-large, gliding square (actually rectangular) parachutes built for two people. They are designed for maneuverability and soft landings. There are dual steering controls so you can fly the parachute with your instructor! A solo AFF student will fly a modern gliding rectangular parachute as well. We even use rectangular parachutes for the emergency (reserve) parachute, on all our equipment, unlike some schools that use old round reserves.
The landing is similar to hopping off a step of 1 - 2' high. With square parachutes you can control both the forward speed and the rate of descent of the parachute. It is quite common to land standing up with your tandem instructor.
Clothes suitable for the season. Avoid bulky sweaters in the fall and winter (yes, we jump all year around!). Men may be more comfortable in looser pants versus blue jeans. We provide you a jumpsuit, headwear, and goggles. You should wear closed-toed shoes that can tie such as tennis shoes, not boots or sandals.
Maybe, maybe not. You will definitely feel a surge of adrenaline and anticipation before the jump - this is a normal part of the experience. Most first-time jumpers say without question, 'Skydiving is the most exciting thing I have ever done!'
For a tandem skydive, the training is short in the classroom or suit-up area. The tandem instructor will explain the equipment and the skydive. You will have ample time to ask your instructor any questions you may have before you exit the airplane. You should plan to spend about half the day or about four hours with us the day you make your tandem skydive.
AFF is a more involved process because you are wearing your own parachute equipment, and will be in charge of flying and landing the parachute by yourself. Classroom instruction for AFF usually lasts between 5 to 7 hours, depending on the number of jumpers in class and the number of questions asked. Plan to spend the entire day with us for the AFF First Jump Course. At Mile-Hi, we allow you to jump the same day as the class, weather and daylight permitting.
While it is possible to talk in freefall, it will be difficult for anyone to hear you, due to the noise of the rush of wind. Communication in freefall is possible, however, with eye contact and hand signals. You will learn how to communicate in freefall during your AFF training.
You must complete the 7 level AFF program before you can jump solo. You continue honing your skills until you have 25 jumps, at which time you can apply for a USPA "A" license, after passing a written test and demonstration of skydiving proficiency. The "A" license will allow you to skydive at most USPA member drop zones by yourself or with your friends.
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Email us at [email protected] or call Mile-Hi Skydiving at +1.303.702.9911